Artificial intelligence (AI) is clearly a growing force in the technology industry. Chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming a key part of new products, and robots are taking center stage at conferences and showing potential in their roles in various industries like retail and manufacturing. Meanwhile, companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Salesforce are integrated AI as an intelligence layer into the entire tech stack. Yes, AI is now having its moment.

This isn’t the AI that pop culture has conditioned us to expect; it’s not sentient robots or Skynet, or even Tony Stark’s Jarvis assistant. This AI plateau is happening under the surface, making our existing tech smarter and unlocking the power of all the data that enterprises collect. What that means: Widespread advancement in machine learning (ML), computer vision, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP) have made it easier than ever to bake an AI algorithm layer into your software or cloud platform.

For businesses, practical AI applications can manifest in all sorts of ways depending on your organizational needs and the business intelligence (BI) insights derived from the data you collect. Enterprises can employ AI for everything from mining social data to driving engagement in customer relationship management (CRM) to optimizing logistics and efficiency when it comes to tracking and managing assets.
ML is playing a key role in the development of AI, noted Luke Tang, General Manager of TechCode’s Global AI+ Accelerator program, which incubates AI startups and helps companies incorporate AI on top of their existing products and services.

“Right now, AI is being driven by all the recent progress in ML. There’s no one single breakthrough you can point to, but the business value we can extract from ML now is off the charts,” Tang said. “From the enterprise point of view, what’s happening right now could disrupt some core corporate business processes around coordination and control: scheduling, resource allocation and reporting.” Here we provide tips from some experts to explain the steps businesses can take to integrate AI in your organization and to ensure your implementation is a success.

Image Credit:   Shutterstock

Thanks to Heinz V. Hoenen Follow him on twitter: @HeinzVHoenen

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