From an article by Liisi Ruuse at

By the end of this 10-minute read, you will hopefully have a comprehensive overview about Artificial Intelligence (AI). What is Artificial Intelligence? We’ll try our best to give you straightforward and relatable answers in this quite heavy subject. After defining AI and its subfields, we will have a look into the brief history, current use cases, most common fears, and mind-boggling predictions for the future. We encourage you to dig deeper into the 10 great resources we have listed for you at the end of this article.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE HAS BECOME THE NEW BUZZWORD leaving IoT, Big Data, Automation, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in shade. Many people believe this is all just hype. The reality is, the different subfields of AI are already being used in medicine, the automotive industry, quantum physics, the financial world, manufacturing and different types of business software.

The generalised definition of Artificial Intelligence is – a computer program which can carry out a complete simulation of the human brain. While this is not wrong and creating a self-teaching AI that will mirror human learning might be the ultimate goal for some scientist, it’s not the whole truth. The scope of Artificial Intelligence is much broader, including technologies like Virtual Agents, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning Platforms and many other.

To give you more context…

Image Credit:   Mauricio Lima, AFP/File

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