Intro to Industry 4.0: The Ultimate Guide by Ferry Vermeulen

Industry is changing a lot these days.

New concepts and systems pop-up continuously, and due to companies’ need to implement the best technology, a lot of things will change in a relatively short span of time.

One of the new terms that appeared at the turn of this decade was Industry 4.0.

As the name suggests, it is used to describe the fourth industrial revolution. The concept refers to the implementation of high-tech and, in particular, digital transformation.

So what kind of high-tech, you might be asking?

Industry 4.0 specifically focuses on smart factories that rely on the Internet of Things. It would affect every industrial process from manufacturing to logistics and supply chains.

And it will also largely affect the way we create and distribute information.

The main benefit of an Industry 4.0 system is the ability to create decentralized decision making without relying on the traditional type of physical approach.

There are a lot of different industries that can benefit from Industry 4.0. However, it has shown the best results for:

  • virtual and augmented reality
  • robotics
  • energy
  • specific types of goods
  • autonomous or remote-controlled vehicles

In this article, I will discuss some practical steps that will help you implement Industry 4.0.

But let’s move forward one step at a time and see how it all started. Read on!

Image Credit:  Amanda Scott

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