A graywater purification device, which is made based on nanostructured ceramic membranes, was recently unveiled in a nanotechnology exhibition in Tehran.

The device was unveiled on the sidelines of the 11th International Nanotechnology Exhibition, during a ceremony attended by Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari.

The water purifier has been designed and built on several stages of filtration and ultrafiltration. The machine has several nanoscale ceramic membranes with different pore diameters.

Aliakbar Babaloo, the Managing Director of Nano Industry Researchers Company and a faculty member at Sahand University of Tabriz, has talked about the performance of the device.

“Due to the high precision of the pore size of the membranes, this device can purify graywater and turn it into microorganism-free water. In the future, it can even be used to produce drinking water.”

Image Credit:    Alias Studio Sydney

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