You have witnessed a variety of nano-devices that were designed for tasks including delivering medicines within the body. All of them used to move in a variety of ways. However, the latest nano-device is a four-legged nano-robot that will be able to walk up to its target. The technology was first developed by Asst. Prof. Marc Miskin from the University of Pennsylvania when he was a postdoc at Cornell University. Other professors in his team included Itai Cohen and Paul McEuen. The team also had a researcher by the name of Alejandro Cortese.

Thanks to a proprietary multistep nanofabrication method, batches of about a million of the 70-micron-long nano-robots can be manufactured in only weeks. All of them will be created using a single 4-inch silicon composite wafer. Talk about speeding up the manufacturing process and exponentially enhancing the quantity!
Each robot is comprised of an ultrathin glass rectangle that has been crowned with a silicon layer.

The silicon layer features the electronic control components and two or four solar cells. The legs, four of them, are crafted using a material that is 100-atom thick. The material has a layer of platinum and another layer of titanium (although titanium can be replaced with graphene as well).

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