A study led by Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in South Korea details the creation of urea-powered nanomotors that enhance immunotherapy for bladder cancer. The nanomotors open up new possibilities in oncology by more effectively activating the immune system and surpassing the effectiveness of currently used treatments. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.

Immunotherapy using BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin), a weakened bacterium injected into the bladder to trigger an immune response against tumor cells, is currently the standard treatment for non-invasive bladder cancer. Significant drawbacks of this treatment include the requirement for repeated doses, serious adverse effects, and decreased effectiveness in some patients. The novel nanomotor-based treatment provides a more potent substitute, which considerably slows the growth of tumors in preclinical mouse models and more effectively activates the immune system.

Urease is an enzyme these self-propelled nanoparticles use to react with urine urea. Their mobility allows them to be dispersed more effectively throughout the bladder, precisely reaching tumor cells and extending the duration of the medication’s presence in the impacted tissue.

The nanomotors’ surface contains a STING agonist, a crucial molecule in immune system activation.

We have shown that our approach is more effective than conventional BCG treatment in mice, which is a breakthrough in immunotherapy for this type of cancer.

Samuel Sánchez, Study Co-Leader and ICREA Research Professor, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)

The researchers paired the nanomotors with a PD-1 inhibitor, a medication that prevents tumor cells from using an escape mechanism, to further strengthen the immune response.

The combination of our nanomotors with the anti-PD-1 treatment showed a remarkable synergy that could lead to more effective combination therapies with fewer side effects,” added Sánchez.

The study marks a significant advancement in the hunt for novel treatment approaches for bladder cancer, a condition that necessitates intensive and protracted care due to its high recurrence rate.

This study’s participants included PHI BIOMED Co., the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), CIC biomaGUNE of the Basque Country, Seoul National University, and Seoul National University Hospital.

Journal Reference:

Choi, H., et al. (2025) Urease-powered nanomotor containing STING agonist for bladder cancer immunotherapy. Nature Communications. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-54293-z
