A new study by the Environmental Working Group reveals that:

“Major food companies like General Mills continue to sell popular children’s breakfast cereals and other foods contaminated with troubling levels of glyphosate, the cancer-causing ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. The weedkiller, produced by Bayer-Monsanto, was detected in all 21 oat-based cereal and snack products sampled in a new round of testing commissioned by the Environmental Working Group. All but four products contained levels of glyphosate higher than what EWG scientists consider protective for children’s health with a sufficient margin of safety.”

These findings further confirm the notion that the contamination of our environment is becoming increasingly internalized within each one of us.

It may be possible through the emergence of advanced nanomedicine that, within the next decade or two, we may have at our disposal what are referred to as “Sentinels”. These autonomous nanomedical devices would patrol our bodies 24/7 to serve as a robust protective augmentation for our immune systems. A chapter entitled “The “Sentinel”: A Conceptual Nanomedical Strategy for the Enhancement of the Human Immune System” has been generated by NA Founder, Frank Boehm, and co-author Dr. Angelika Domschke for the recent book, Immune Aspects of Biopharmaceuticals and Nanomedicines, edited by Dr. Raj Bawa et al.

As relates to the increasing concentrations of toxic elements that can be concentrated in our bodies over time, through the ingestion of food, drink, and indeed via the ambient environment, as well as our exposure to myriad pathogenic microorganisms, (natural or nefariously synthesized) an excerpt from this chapter envisages how these sentinels might be to our benefit…

It might be possible that these sentinels, which would be exceptionally “trained”, would continually scan for, identify, and rapidly eradicate virtually any invading bacterial or viral pathogen, organic and inorganic toxin, or other unidentified “non-self’ entity in the human body.

As the result of this nanomedical capacity, individuals would rarely become ill and might be endowed with considerably extended longevity. Hence, beneficial sentinel capacities might serve as an important facet of a far more extensive worldwide vision for nanomedicine. When combined with nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing) and artificial intelligence (imbued within quantum computers), nanomedicine may give rise to a condition that the authors refer to as “Global Health Care Equivalency” (GHCE), where every individual on the planet would have equivalent access to advanced, efficacious, and cost effective nanomedical diagnostics and therapeutics no matter where they happen to reside, or under what conditions they live.

Post by Frank Boehm and Amanda Scott @tantriclens

Image credit: Artistic representation of “sentinel” class nanomedical device. Reproduced from Svidinenko, Y., Nanobotmodels Company. Figure obtained from Artistic representation of “sentinel” class nanomedical device. Reproduced from Svidinenko, Y., Nanobotmodels Company. Figure obtained from Nanomedical Device and Systems Design: Challenges, Possibilities,Visions (2013) and appears here with kind permission of CRC Press/Taylor Francis Group. (2013).

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